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Seafood Feast Cruise & Shore Party p
Lankford Bay Marina
23002 McKinleyville Road
Rock Hall, MD 21661
(410) 778-1414

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Saturday, August 17, 2024, 8:00 AM to Sunday, August 18, 2024, 5:00 PM EDT
Category: Sailing

Seafood Feast Cruise & Shore Party
A cruise to Lankford Bay Marina in Rockhall MD. On Saturday there will be a shore party at the marina with CRABS, music & dancing.

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SOS Wellness Policy
All participants attending SOS in-person events should be feeling well. They should not attend an event if they have symptoms of a communicable respiratory or gastrointestinal illness, are “feeling like something is coming on,” have a recent significant exposure to someone with a communicable respiratory or gastrointestinal illness, or have not waited a recommended isolation time after a recent respiratory or gastrointestinal infection. 
In addition, a skipper/host may have further requirements or request other preventive measures (for example, crew or guests having received the currently recommended COVID-19 vaccine or wearing masks when below deck).  All in-person participants should expect to be denied admission without a refund if they fail to comply with this policy.

Contact: [email protected] (410) 798-4098